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SINAMICS G120/G120P CU230P-2:压力控制泵 (英文)
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- 196
- 1377
Application description for the scripted commissioning of a SINAMICS G120 for pressure controlled pumps
Pressure-controlled pumps are used in piping systems when pressure at the consumer must be kept constant even when the flow fluctuates. This predominantly involves water supply systems, where the water pressure at the house connection points must be kept constant and where it must be ensured that there is sufficient water in the top floors of high-rise buildings. These so-called pressure boosting stations comprise one or several centrifugal pumps, which using a PID controller control the pressure by changing the speed.
Pressure-controlled pumps are used in piping systems when pressure at the consumer must be kept constant even when the flow fluctuates. This predominantly involves water supply systems, where the water pressure at the house connection points must be kept constant and where it must be ensured that there is sufficient water in the top floors of high-rise buildings. These so-called pressure boosting stations comprise one or several centrifugal pumps, which using a PID controller control the pressure by changing the speed.
Commissioning of SIMOTICS FD motors is not supported in this version.
When using load side components as output reactors, dv/dt filters and sinusoidal filters, necessary parameter changes have to be done additional.
for SINAMICS G120/G120P, CU230P-2 from FW V4.4
Documentation (348,3 KB)
STARTER Script (7,8 KB)
Last Changes
02/2014: Script and PDF revised for FW from V4.4
02/2017: Tested with Firmware V4.7 SP6 HF2 and STARTER V4.5.1.0
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