Application description for the scripted commissioning of a SINAMICS G120 for air feed control
In heating ventilation and air conditioning systems, feed air is the air that is fed into rooms and areas inside buildings. The feed air can be pretreated by filtering, heating up, cooling, humidifying and dehumidifying. Depending on the control concept used, the volume flow (air) can be closed-loop controlled depending on the room temperature, the pressure in the feeder ducts, the CO2 content in the room or also the flow rate itself. Fans for feed air systems are either in the form of individual pieces of equipment or part of an air treatment system (HVAC system).
The attached description is used to completely set the inverter parameters for the "fan to control the air feed" application. In includes a standard connection circuit diagram for the control wiring, a script that can run in the STARTER commissioning software, as well as additional functions, which are used for subsequent parameterization.

Commissioning of SIMOTICS FD motors is not supported in this version.
When using load side components as output reactors, dv/dt filters and sinusoidal filters, necessary parameter changes have to be done additional.
for SINAMICS G120/G120P, CU230P-2 from FW V4.4
Documentation (398,4 KB)
STARTER Script (7,7 KB)
Last Changes
02/2014: Script and PDF revised for FW from V4.4
02/2017: Tested with Firmware V4.7 SP6 HF2 and STARTER V4.5.1.0
Additional Keywords