Use the prepared and handy faceplates and function blocks of this application example in order to connect the uninterruptible SITOP UPS1600 power supply to your plant. Furthermore, you can find out how you can shut down your plant in a defined state for longer power failures and how to secure process values.
Your task is to equip your automation plant with the uninterruptible SITOP UPS1600 power supply.
The SITOP UPS1600 shall be communication-capable and integrated into the automation network via PROFINET. In the event of a power failure in an automation plant, the process values shall be saved and plant parts shall be protected from, for example, mechanical damage, through a defined stop.
The status and diagnostic information of the uninterruptible power supply shall be displayed in the HMI stations for operator control and monitoring.
Via the library the application example provides you various faceplates for SIMATIC STEP 7 V5 and SIMATIC STEP 7 (TIA Portal), as well as HMI faceplates and HMI screens for SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008, SIMATIC WinCC Comfort/ Advanced/ Professional and SIMATIC WinCC V7.
Via the function blocks you read the device-specific data from the SITOP UPS1600 that you can then use for further processing in your controller. The prefabricated HMI faceplates and HMI screens are used for the visualization. Simply connect the data records through the faceplate interfaces.
The application example furthermore describes an option to put the automation plant to a defined state during a power failure and to perform a program-controlled switch-off the uninterruptible SITOP UPS1600 power supply.

Fig. 01
The application example offers you the following advantages:
- Time and cost saving by means of provided function blocks and HMI faceplates.
- Easy and comprehensive introduction to the topic of integrating a SITOP UPS1600 within a PROFINET network.
To find the correct library version for your configuration, depending on the firmware version of your SITOP UPS, use the free Compatibility Tool from Online Support (Entry ID 64847781).
TIA Portal
The library includes function blocks for the SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional (SIMATIC S7-300/400 and S7-1200/1500) as well as faceplates for SIMATIC WinCC Comfort/Advanced and screen windows for SIMATIC WinCC Professional.
The "Amendments to Documentation " includes notes for the use of faceplates with several SITOP UPS1600 devices. The “Documentation" for the configuration from firmware V2.1 onward includes the "Amendments to Documentation".
- V3.3
Documentation V3.3 (for WinCC Unified) (10,6 MB)
Library V3.3 (for WinCC Unified) (8,0 MB) - V3.2
Documentation V3.2 (for WinCC Unified) (10,2 MB)
Library V3.2 (for WinCC Unified) (6,6 MB) - V3.1
Documentation V3.1 (01/2022) (9,5 MB)
Library V3.1 (1,6 MB) - V3.0
Documentation V3.0 (10,0 MB)
Library V3.0 (1,6 MB) - V2.2
Documentation V2.2 (10,8 MB)
Library V2.2 (1,7 MB) - V2.1
Documentation V2.1 (28,7 MB)
Library V2.1 (1,8 MB) - V2.0
Library V2.0 (1,9 MB) - V1.1
Documentation V1.1 (6,2 MB)
Documentation supplement V1.0 (945,8 KB)
Library V1.1 (1,8 MB)
The library contains function blocks for SIMATIC STEP 7 V5 (SIMATIC S7-300/400),
faceplates for SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008 and faceplates for SIMATIC WinCC V7.
The "Amendments to Documentation " includes notes for the use of faceplates with several SITOP UPS1600 devices. The “Documentation" for the configuration from firmware V2.1 onward includes the "Amendments to Documentation".
FAQ 37364723 describes how to open and migrate libraries in TIA Portal.
Information for migration of WinCC V7 libraries you can find under FAQ 44029132.
Further information
Topics page "SITOP Power Supply in the Online Support"
Manual on SITOP UPS1600
Buffering of a SIMATIC IPC with SITOP DC UPS
Integrating a SITOP 24 V power supply in SIMATIC PCS 7
Buffering Networked Industry PCs with SITOP DC UPS
Getting Started: SITOP UPS1600 in STEP 7 V13
Getting Started: SITOP UPS1600 in STEP 7 V12
Getting Started: SITOP UPS1600 in STEP 7 V5
Getting Started: SITOP UPS Manager
SIMATIC IPC – Protection from loss of data
Last Changes
New documentation and library V3.3 released.
Additional Keywords
Panel, panels, faceplate, faceplates, UPS, buffers, buffering, battery, emergency power