用该产品组合SIMATIC Ident,西门子提供了广泛的硬件和软件组件,以便您尽可能简单高效地设计自动化解决方案。针对RFID方面,我们提供最低限度的基本示例作为常用标配的设计辅助工具,为的是向您解释工程设计方面的基础知识。
With the SIMATIC Ident product portfolio, Siemens offers a wide range of hardware and software components to make your automation solutions as simple and efficient as possible. On the topic of RFID, we provide you with minimalist basic examples as a configuring aid for standard configurations to explain the basics of engineering.
Common RFID standard configurations from Siemens involve the use of different SIMATIC S7 controller types, SIMATIC interface modules, SIMATIC RFID readers and RFID transponders. The advantage of these configurations is that they significantly simplify configuring and programming the automation solution.
To control the RFID functions, the “Ident” / “Ident Profile” STEP 7 blocks are explained in greater detail.
The following figure shows the structure of the automation task:

The individual basic examples of these configuring aids cover the following components:
SIMATIC S7 controller types:
SIMATIC interface modules:
- RF120C (S7-1200)
- RF170C (ET 200pro)
- RF200
- RF300
- RF600 (RF610R / RF615R / RF680R / RF685R)
In a very concise manner, the basic examples show you how to create your own RFID automation solution using the above components. The examples deal only and explicitly with configuring and programming the SIMATIC modules.
They explain all allowed combinations of the above components. STEP 7 TIA Portal V13 SP1 and STEP 7 V5.5 are used as an engineering tool.
The following matrix shows the allowed combinations of components for STEP 7 TIA Portal:
STEP 7 TIA Portal | RF200 | RF300 | RF600 |
RF120C | S7-1200109483367 | S7-1200 109483368
| - |
RF170C | S7-300S7-1200S7-1500109483369 | S7-300S7-1200S7-1500109483370 | - |
RF180C | S7-300S7-1200S7-1500109483371 | S7-300S7-1200S7-1500109483372 | - |
RF185C / RF186C(CI) / RF188C(CI) | * | S7-1200 S7-1500 109769357 | - |
ASM456 | S7-300S7-1200S7-1500109483364 | S7-300S7-1200S7-1500109483365 | S7-300 S7-1200 S7-1500 109483366 |
RF600 without ASM | - | - | S7-300 S7-1200 S7-1500 109483373 (*) The RF300 example can also be used here as a template for the RF200.
Documentation and example project for STEP 7 V5.5 are currently in work for an update.
您可以前往全球资源库查看此文档: https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/cn/zh/view/109483416